A simple hack to engage users deeply without panicking
User conversations can be daunting. I've probably run over 500 in the last decade and I still stress out. Silence can be terrifying. Some...
User conversations can be daunting. I've probably run over 500 in the last decade and I still stress out. Silence can be terrifying. Some...
Build low fidelity but realistic prototypes to put in front of customers. For example, click through the wireframe below rapidly. Doesn't...
You can also load it here. Plenty of no-code tools these days to make it easy to build internal admin panels that can help with team...
This is another gamer turned RTC SaaS founder (Slack, Discord). What's also interesting is he switched from a B2C "Mom app" (company was...
I heard in passing Leore talk about his goals for Lob. Getting to IPO by 2024. Hitting $100M ARR and making some aspects of revenue...
As of Apr 2020 "The problem was virtual events had been around 12 yrs but sucked". Hopin looking to solve that problem while focusing on...
Takes a lifetime of preparation to be an overnight success. At first look, Roam is another note taking tool like Evernote or Notion. But...
Part of being a good operator or investor is being able to communicate simply. It shows uncluttered thinking, which your investors or...
Any town in Cuba. It's a non stop party. Salsa, rum, rumba. Gelled hair, short skirts. Arrribaaa! Wow, screw the rat race. Sign me up....
Japan has been an enigma because of it’s Galápagosization. Visiting has been high on the list. We were raised on their “just works” home...
Merci Victoria Grace heads up Slack's growth and met Stewart Butterfield at Game Founders Anonymous in 2015. Stewart brought on Merci to...
… and why this story won’t either, and that’s ok…. Hacker News (HN) is a link aggregator owned and operated by Silicon Valley incubator Y...
Original idea of product market fit came from Don Valentine at Sequoia. Eric Ries says first develop and confirm the value hypothesis...
VC blogs are useful because they see private data across multiple companies. This lets them average everything out and give us tips (like...
Theme: Axe to grind Records and timeline: Went from $0-$17mm in one year. Went from idea to public company in 7 years despite ...